Saturday, March 26, 2016

Happy Easter!

Ok, I admit it. I love the changing seasons. And decorating inside the house to reflect that. And now that it's early spring, and Easter, it's a fun time to gather with Family and celebrate the holiday with all of the cheeriness it brings. 
The happy yellow and white flowers shout that winter is finally over, ushering in hope and the remembrance of what Our Savior did over two thousand years ago for us all.  He died on a cross for OUR sins! And as awesome as that is, the miracle didn't stop there. He was placed in a tomb and ROSE again! And We have that same promise that We too, will rise  one day and be with Him in Heaven.  Pretty amazing grace! Pretty amazing, loving God!
" But God demonstrates His own love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8

Happy Easter!