Friday, November 13, 2015

Faith Friday: "In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Things don't always turn out like I'd like them to in my life. And that disappointment can threaten my happiness.  But, I'm learning that an attitude of gratitude goes a long way in how happy I am overall.  Our Heavenly Father, having made us, knows emotionally what's best for us and instructs us to "give thanks in ALL things
because it's His will for us. He lovingly reminds us that when we humbly recognize Him as the giver of all good things in our lives and thank Him for it, we set our hearts in the proper alignment for worshipping Him and we experience peace and happiness because we are focusing on His good in our lives. 
If there's an area in your life where you're 
not thankful, I encourage you to practice the discipline of swinging your attitude to one of thanks. You'll be happy you did!

With love and gratitude,