Friday, October 23, 2015

Faith Friday- "Be Still And Know That I am God"- Psalm 46:10

All around us daily, the voices of the world chatter unrelenting, demanding our full attention. The urgent taking precedent over the important- our "to do" lists crying the loudest with the never ending onslaught of emails needing reading, and our cell phones constantly  ringing, as the the various social media platforms cry "Read this!" "Watch this!" "Try this!" Buy this!" "Document this!"  Have you ever wanted to just...steel away
for some quiet time and reflection?

Well, you're not alone! Although computers, cell phones, Facebook and Instagram weren't invented yet when Jesus walked the earth, the demands of the world and the crowds of people pressing in on him regularly caused Him to steal away and seek his Heavenly Father early to pray, getting centered. 

Like Christ, I find early mornings are best, before the world wakes, allowing for some blissful "quiet time" to talk to the Lord, leaving my requests and cares with Him before tackling the day. And then knowing that I don't have to fret or worry because "He's got this" makes all
the difference in whether I feel calm or harried. 

Here's to " being still, love...